
KMT Chairman's comments degrades Taiwan's status

At a meeting with Chinese President Hu Jin-tao, KMT Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung remarked that Taiwan’s Olympic Team enjoys home court advantage in the Beijing Games. This according to Chairperson Ing-wen Tsai is an unfortunate and regretful comment that hurts the status and the national interests of Taiwan.

Chairperson Tsai pointed out that China, as host nation, has not shown any hospitality towards their Taiwanese guests. Instead, KMT officials attending the Games have acceded to the demands of China, and deliberately avoided taking responsibility as the ruling party to defend Taiwan’s status and rights. Wu’s remarks are just one of the examples that show KMT’s willingness to appease China while hurting Taiwan’s reputation and status.

Chairwoman Tsai expressed hopes that the KMT’s administration should re-evaluate their responsibility to the country, and truly reflect how China perceives Taiwan, or the Republic of China, and how the country should respond towards Chinese bullying.
