
Chairperson Tsai: Taiwanese aspires for peace, sovereignty not to be traded off for economic benefits

Chairperson Ing-wen Tsai said today (November 1st) that the DPP, in cooperation with Taiwan’s Civil Society, will begin a series of protest events during Chen Yunlin’s time in Taiwan. This includes a sit-in protest from November 3rd to November 5th, a large evening demonstration on November 5th, and a ‘siege’ event on the afternoon of the 6th. Chairperson Tsai emphasized that all events will be conducted in a peaceful, systematic manner, to loudly and clearly express the sentiments of the Taiwanese people. The Chairperson further extended her invitation for all the people of Taiwan to join the movement.

Chairperson Tsai pointed out, during the SEF-ARATS talks, the Ma administration will desperately attempt to sell the talks to the Taiwanese people as a historical moment. Certain business associations or professional groups will also initiate, whether willingly or coerced by the Ma government or by China, to also endorse the talks. However regardless of the worries expressed by the masses during the October 25th march, it is evident that the Ma administration has chose to ignore, or taken an indifferent attitude towards the demands of the people.

Chairperson Tsai said that there are legitimate concerns that the government is unable, and unwilling to protect the sovereignty of Taiwan. From the “area-to-area” statement made by President Ma, to the “Mister Ma” episode, as well as talks regarding the tainted milk incident, the government has not shown the determination to protect the dignity and the rights of the Taiwanese people, instead has continued to make concessions towards China.

Chairperson Tsai added that there are even more reasons to justifiably question Ma’s overtly dependent policy on China. The Ma administration believes that further economic relations with China will save Taiwan’s economical woes. However the last five months has already demonstrated that this assumption has clearly not shown the economic benefits Ma had assumed it would, in fact these alleged benefits had been non-existent. Even if these economic benefits existed, it is controlled in the hands of China, and the government seems to be prepared to trade off our sovereignty in order to gain these economic benefits.

Chairperson Tsai further added that we have even more worries that in the rapidly opening of relations with China, the people of Taiwan will have to pay a heavy social cost. This includes the rising concern of unemployment, the depreciation or freezing of income and wages, and immeasurable value towards the societal problems as well as national security risks brought upon by this change. With some many risks concerned, the government seemed to have paid no attention to them. If this indifference is deliberate, then it appears that the government is systematically leading Taiwan to an irreversible path to become dependent on China, denying the Taiwanese people’s right to choose their own future.

Regarding the SEF-ARATS talk, the Chairperson reiterated the demands passed by the Central Standing Committee. The demands are the following:

1. Any agreements made during the talks must be ratified by the Legislative Yuan, issues concerning Taiwan’s sovereignty must be voted by all the people of Taiwan via a public referendum.

2. The talks between the SEF-ARATS must be based on the standard international practices between two states. This includes the proper usage of all official titles, a suitable venue, proper layout of the venue, etc. No ambiguity or any room for controversy should be allowed.

3. The current SEF-ARATS meeting is an institutionalized mechanism for talks between Taiwan and China. Chen Yunlin is a representative of the People’s Republic of China delegation during the talks. In this respect, during Chen’s time in Taiwan, he cannot be engaged in any political activities outside of the planned talks. Chen’s visit in Taiwan should also adhere to the principle of complete transparency, and allowed to be monitored and scrutinized by the people as well as by the media.

4. Ma Ying-jeou should retract his “Taiwan is an area” statement, and to reiterate that “Taiwan’s future should only be decided by the 23 million people of Taiwan.”

5. Aside from the Chinese toxic milk incident, Ma Ying-jeou should also address the issue of the continued long term bullying of China against Taiwan. This includes China’s continued threat of using military aggression, as well as diplomatic and economic isolation of Taiwan. Ma must demand Chen Yunlin in person, to request the Chinese’ government to apologize to the Taiwanese people for its hostile actions. Additionally Ma must also demand China to withdraw the missiles deployed along the Chinese coast targeting Taiwan.

Chairperson Tsai emphasized that the DPP will conduct a series of protest events during Chen Yunlin’s time in Taiwan. The aim of these protests is for the government to remain alert and cautious, and for them to understand what mistakes they are making. At the same time, these protests will bring to the attention of China on the true sentiments of the Taiwanese people, and to point out that their sentiments cannot be merely substituted by the voice of a handful of KMT politicians or business representatives. Their position and perceived benefited are not paralleled to those of the people of Taiwan. Additionally, as an extension to the demands of the October 25th march, we would like the whole world to know, that the Taiwanese people wishes for peace. However the people of Taiwan cannot accept concessions made to our sovereignty, and cannot accept trading off of our sovereignty for economic benefits.
